Our two charity shops – Life in the Town (Enfield) and Life on the Green (Edmonton) – offer young people with learning difficulties the opportunity to gain valuable work experience and training.
They also provide volunteering opportunities for members of the local community who might be finding it difficult to get back into work or who want to make new friends and do something rewarding.
We receive plenty of donated goods, which keeps everyone busy. Our young people and volunteers sort through them and prepare them for sale at affordable prices in our high street shops or on Ebay.
With an appealing and constantly changing range of quality donated goods, our shops make a key and significant contribution to the funding needed to fulfil our mission.
Donations also promote re-use and recycling, reduce landfill and provide furniture for use in our upcycling project.
If you’d like to volunteer in our shops, you can find out more here. Or pop in and see us for a browse and a chat.