Our Vision
We want to help bring about a world where children and young people with learning difficulties and special educational needs, or who have been affected by illness, disability or poverty, are enabled to play their full part and have the best possible chances and choices to live full lives – a world where they are valued for what they can do rather than disregarded because of what they can’t.
Our Mission
We will work towards this Vision by providing our children and young people alongside the people in the communities where they live:
- Chances to work
- Chances to make friends
- Chances to explore
- Chances to learn
- Chances to make a difference in our communities
At the heart of our mission is the belief in building a community that offers “life changing” opportunities for all. We want to provide truly inclusive and holistic educational opportunities for every young person, rooted in real life, real experiences and real people.
We believe that our mission is best achieved by working in partnership with like-minded individuals, schools and community organisations to provide young people with the ‘life skills’ they need to enter the world of work, contribute to their community and be part of society as a whole.